We deliver the cute, beautiful, and sexy Kyushu and Fukuoka to the world! The first store in the region specializing in foreigners!

The first in Kyushu! A store specializing in foreigners has opened! Kyushu and Fukuoka lolita, cute, beautiful, and sexy are all gathered here!

There are a wide variety of cosplays, including anime cosplay, sailor suits, school swimsuits, maid outfits, and more. Youre sure to be soothed in mind and body by the services of cute and beautiful girls, including idols and models! Small breasts, big breasts, lolita, idol type, slim, short, tall! Youre sure to find your type! cosplay的种类有很多,有动漫cosplay、水手服、学校泳装、女仆装等。 毫无疑问,偶像、模特等可爱漂亮的女孩们的服务一定会治愈你的身心! 小胸、巨乳、洛丽塔、偶像型、苗条、个子矮、个子高!你一定能找到你的类型! cosplay的種類很多,有動漫cosplay、水手服、學校泳裝、女僕裝等。 毫無疑問,偶像、模特兒等可愛漂亮的女孩們的服務一定會治癒你的身心! 小胸、巨乳、蘿莉塔、偶像型、苗條、個子矮、個子高!你一定能找到你的類型! 애니메이션 코스프레, 선원복, 학교 수영복, 하녀복 등 코스프레의 종류는 풍부합니다. 아이돌이나 모델 등, 귀엽고 예쁜 여자들의 서비스에 마음도 몸도 치유되는 것 틀림없음! 빈유, 큰 가슴, 로리타, 아이돌계, 슬림, 저신장, 장신! 당신의 유형을 반드시 찾을 수 있습니다!